Snap Player

4.5 ( 8265 ratings )
写真/ビデオ エンターテインメント
開発者 Dark Jedi Technology Limited

Snap Player推出了半年多,全球下载试用者超过三万,当中,超过五千人下载后选择购买升级功能。究竟下载了Snap Player的用户为什么会对这个软件如此着迷?

因为,这是APP STORE中唯一一个可以一边播影片,一边用前镜头拍摄的软件。被拍者一边看影片,一边被默默地前镜头拍摄着。

使用过Snap Player的所有人都赞叹这个APP是神器,在不知不觉间把身边有趣事都拍摄下来。

★★★Snap Player可以让你做到:★★★
1. 想拍摄你的小宝宝时,他不愿意看镜头?用一段卡通片吸引他的目光,再悄悄地拍下他趣怪的表情。
2. 在Party 上,向你的朋友播放一则新闻影片,然后一边悄悄地拍摄她吃得满面都是意大利粉的样子。
3. 吃饭时, 用iPhone向同学播放他/她喜欢的MV,然后悄悄地拍摄他们大口大口地吃食物的情境。

呵呵。 。 。你能明白当中的乐趣吗?

人生苦短,你的身边有很多美好的快乐亲密时刻,瞬间消逝。 Snap Player将会把这些快乐回忆记录为影像,让你可以一再回味。

GO!! 立即登入我们的Facebook专页,当中提供了一些图文并茂的软件使用说明:

Action!! 对软件的功能有意见、赞赏、批评,请到以下网址发表:

Snap Player is the most powerful spy video camera APP in App store. It allows you to take video by front-camera while your iPhone is playing movie.
So far, Snap Player is the only APP delivering this function across whole APP store.

In last half year after its launch, Snap Player achieved more than 30 thousands download. After people download this FREE version and make their trial, around 5 thousands users select to purchase all or part of its upgrade functions.

★★★Why people addicted to Snap Player? ★★★
1. When you want to shoot your baby, he did not want to look into the camera? Use a cartoon to attract his attention, and then quietly captured his comical expressions.
2. When your classmate licking ice stick like a kid, you can show a video to her and record her funny face.
3. In barbecue time, you can show a video of news to your lovely friend. Then you record his/her action of eating food.

Dont you get the point now?

Life is short. Happy memory is always hard to capture. Let’s start using Snap Player to take record of your daily action with your friends.

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